
Alpha Phi Foundation highlights from the 74th Biennial Convention in Palm Springs, California!


Foundation Philanthropy Award Recipients


Nancy Owen Craig
Outstanding Philanthropist Award

Susan J Bevan

Throughout the years, we have endeavored to lift up Alpha Phi members, couples, or families whose exceptional generosity has had a profound impact on Alpha Phi International, who inspire others to give with purpose, and who exemplify the true spirit of philanthropy. This year, the Nancy Owen Craig Outstanding Philanthropist Award goes to a woman who has been giving back to Alpha Phi since her initiation to the Sigma chapter in 1973. Because of her dedication and love for Alpha Phi, the impact of these continued gifts will last a lifetime. Susan made her first gift to Heart Health in 1985, and she has continued to be a dedicated Foundation supporter every year since. In 2019, she created the Susan Bevan Collegiate Leadership Fund to support the Foundation’s efforts in funding Fraternity leadership programming. As a volunteer, Susan has spent numerous hours in varying Alpha Phi roles, sharing her time, talent, and treasure with both the Foundation and the Fraternity in many impactful roles.

Emerging Philanthropist Award

This is a brand new award the Foundation created to highlight the philanthropic and service accomplishments of the next generation of Alpha Phi women! To qualify, sisters must have been initiated within the past twenty years, give regularly to nonprofit organizations outside of and including Alpha Phi Foundation, and have an impressive record of active charitable and/or service involvement in their communities or on a national and/or global scale.

Victoria Onufrieff (Zeta Pi – Case Western)

Andrea Gage Cheek (Gamma Iota – Texas Tech)

Constellation Awards

Constellation Awards are given biannually to Chapters that have reached significant lifetime giving milestones.

International Partner In Philanthropy

The International Partner In Philanthropy Awards are given to the top three fundraisers of the biennium across all Quadrants.

Top Fundraising Chapter Awards

This award is given to the top fundraising Chapter of the biennium in each Quadrant.

Martha Watkins Mast
Spirit of Philanthropy Award

Established in 2018, this award recognizes collegiate and alumnae chapters for their spirit of philanthropy through education, fundraising, and service in honor of longtime Foundation Chair, Martha Watkins Mast.

Lifetime Giving Award

Greetings from Palm Springs!

If you’re receiving this postcard, you are so lucky to have an Alpha Phi at Convention who wanted to share the Foundation experience with you!

Take a look at some of the highlights from all our events at Alpha Phi’s 74th biennial Convention!

See all Philanthropy Award Winners above. Click the image for the full State of the Foundation.
Click image for bios on each of the 2024-2026 Foundation Board Members!



To learn more about our Red Dress Impact Celebration and learn more about Alpha Phi’s continued impact on women’s heart health, click here.

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