
Leading With Heart Gift Intent Form

Thank you for considering a gift to Alpha Phi Foundation’s Leading With Heart campaign! Please share more information about your gift intent below, and we will follow up with you to finalize the details.

Would you like to make a one-time gift, multi-year pledge, and/or planned gift?(Required)
This may include the amount, duration and payment schedule for multi-year pledges, and if you would like to request a specific designation that aligns with the priorities of the campaign (Leadership, Heart Health, and Scholarship). If you are unsure about any of these details, we are happy to discuss further!
If you haven't but are interested in doing so, please indicate below. Planned gifts are a meaningful way to leave a legacy, and they will be celebrated in the campaign!
What is your preferred method of contact to finalize the details of your gift?(Required)
Make a Gift

Your gift today impacts Alpha Phis tomorrow!