Chapter Spotlight – Eta Upsilon (Chapman)

This week’s Chapter Spotlight is Eta Upsilon (Chapman) who raised over $26,000 at their Mr. University philanthropy event! Vice President of Marketing Loren Manson shares her tips and tricks with us.
Event Name: Mr. University
Location: Chapman University – Memorial Hall
How many times have you held this event?
More than 5.
Who attended this year’s event?
Chapman students, faculty, parents, alumni and friends.
Briefly describe the event.
Male contestants represent each Greek Chapter on campus in a fun philanthropic pageant.
How did your chapter publicize the event?
We used social media, tabling in the Student Union, and chapter announcements.
What tips and tricks to your success would you like to share with other chapters?
We were careful to include open and honest communication with the contestants throughout the process. We paid close attention to their fundraising tactics. We also reviewed all talents and fundraising ideas for each contestant to ensure no sexual behaviors or lewd acts would occur.