“We Should Do Something Special” – The Origins of the Beta Sigma Leadership Fund

by Katie Gates in Identity, Impact, Press Release, Wellness

kismet: noun
kis·​met (‘kiz-met)
a hypothetical force or personified power that determines the course of the future events; see also FATEDESTINY

We all know the word “kismet,” though it may have a different meaning or connotation for everyone. For some it may conjure thoughts of sweeping period romance ala Romeo & Juliet, for others it’s an inevitable course of predetermined outcomes set forth by the universe. Whatever your definition of kismet, that is the exact word used by Beta Sigma Chapter Advisor Haley Bowen Hastings when explaining how the chapter’s newly established leadership fund came to life.

Beta Sigma department advisor Nina Sampson, CCA Lindsay Martin Poss, and Beta Sigma Chapter Advisor Haley Bowen Hastings

“It was during the alumnae reception at Leadership Conference this past year that I was talking to one of our department advisors we were able to bring along and I just said to her ‘I feel like we’re in a really great place right now and we can do something really special with our Chapter, whether that’s establishing a chapter-specific scholarship or maybe a leadership fund. It just feels like the right time.’ After the reception I was headed back to my room when I received a text from Lindsay Martin Poss who’s our CCA asking if I have a minute to chat, she wanted to talk to me about something. So, of course I turn around and go meet her – that’s the best part of all of us being in one place during these events! Anyway, we sat down and she asked how much money the chapter had saved and off the top of my head, I threw out a number to the best of my recollection and Lindsay said ‘I think we should start a leadership fund!’ Next thing you know, we’re talking to Linda Schnetzer about what it would take and what the next steps are to make this a reality.’”

The Beta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi and the University of Utah as a whole are going through a tremendous amount of growth, creating unique challenges while also providing opportunities to develop creative solutions. “Growing pains,” as Haley describes them. “It’s a good problem to have, that we’re growing so much, but it means we also need to be more intentional when bringing our sisters together. We want to have these really cool experiences as a chapter and strengthen our sisterhood.”

When Haley presented the opportunity to Chapter President Anna Filldore and the Chapter exec team, she wanted this to be their decision too; to get full buy-in on leaving their legacy. Reflecting on that decision today, Anna shared “I am beyond excited my chapter has the privilege to create a Chapter Leadership Fund. This fund will allow our members to gain valuable leadership and developmental programming that is in addition to the traditional chapter meeting, something members can learn and take with them beyond their time in college.”

By capitalizing on the fiscal responsibility of previous executive boards and advisors, the current Chapter leadership is able to utilize their savings to ensure these opportunities are available to Beta Sigma for years to come. Haley expressed her gratitude for the Beta Sigma advisory leadership past and present, “We’ve had incredible Advisory Board leadership and been very fortunate in our circumstances in order to make this happen. I tell the girls all the time, we are so lucky to be so fortunate.”

Anna’s excitement echoes that of other chapters that have already begun to see their investments in chapter leadership funds pay off in dividends, “I can’t wait to see the membership development that this fund will have on chapter members for years and years to come!”

While the conversation surrounding Beta Sigma’s Chapter Leadership Fund may have started as kismet, following through with it has become a prime example of “fortune favors the prepared.”



Learn More about Alpha Phi Foundation Chapter Leadership Funds!

Chapter Leadership Funds are set up as endowment funds administered by Alpha Phi Foundation. The grants are administered by Alpha Phi Foundation, and are awarded at least once a year, as needed by the chapter.

A Chapter Leadership Fund grant will fund leadership-centered activities, opportunities and events such as:

  • All-chapter or new member class-specific leadership activities
  • Facilitated sisterhood events
  • Materials directly related to educational goals
  • Room reservation fees for presentation space
  • Fees and travel expenses for speakers, facilitators, or participants
  • Leadership programming
  • Cost of attendance for additional members at Fraternity Leadership events

Interested in learning more about Chapter Leadership Funds? Contact giving@alphaphifoundation.org for more information.


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