Chapter Spotlight – Beta Phi (Whitman)

This week’s chapter spotlight is Beta Phi (Whitman) whose fall Red Dress Gala demonstrated the benefits of getting creative with food and entertainment! Former Red Dress Chairman Annalise Bond shares the details with us.
Event Name: Red Dress Gala
Location: Main Street Studios in Walla Walla, WA
How many times have you held this event?
Tell us a bit about the event.
We had a silent auction with a live performance by a Whitman a cappella group. The food we had was made by members of our chapter and included several desserts and appetizers.
How do you think your venue helped with the success of your event?
The space worked very well for our chapter. It was a venue that made it feel as though there were a lot of people there, while not being too crowded. Not only did the staff help us set everything up and make the space look beautiful, they also had an art installation put in early so our guests could enjoy it!
How did you publicize your event?
We had a Facebook event and also emailed parents and students with information about the event. Our event was mentioned in the school newspaper and also in a local Walla Walla newspaper. They have a section to include local events and when we asked, they were happy to include us in the charity events section!
What type of entertainment did you have at your event?
We asked an a cappella group to perform. They even donated the performance for the event to show support of our philanthropy.
How do you envision improving this event in the future?
As this was only our third annual event, there is a lot of room for improvement. I would love to see greater attendance. I am hoping that in the next year we will have an awareness event that can help raise money and get more students involved.
What tips would you offer other chapters looking to host an event like this?
The biggest tip I have to offer is to get the whole chapter involved in some way. We had members helping to set up, and some made baskets to auction off. This event is so important because it raises awareness for a really important cause. Having as many people involved as possible can really help to spread that awareness.