Chapter Spotlight – Delta (Cornell)

This week’s Chapter Spotlight is Delta (Cornell) who raised over $8,000 at their Ivy Man philanthropy event! Former Vice President of Campus Affairs Krista Schweikle shares why she thinks the event was such a success.
Event Name: Ivy Man
Location: Statler Auditorium
How many times have you held this event?
Briefly describe the event:
The Delta chapter’s Ivy Man is an annual male beauty contest that showcases Cornell’s most philanthropic bachelors. The contest consists of a swimsuit, talent and question and answer portion. Campus performers like dance troupes also perform for entertainment.
How long did the event take to plan?
About six months.
Who attended the event?
Over 700 people attended, which were mostly students at Cornell, including a lot of the Greek Community. Freshmen were also in high attendance. This is a great recruitment tool for us!
How did your chapter publicize the event?
We publicized the event via Facebook and tabling around campus.
What was your favorite part of the event?
My favorite part of the event was before the show started. I loved watching the entire auditorium fill up to support women’s heart health and Alpha Phi. It was so heartwarming to see all of our hard work pay off!
What are some tips and tricks you can share with other chapters?
It would be a great benefit to chapters who also do spring rush because it’s a classy and fun way for freshmen to learn more about our sisters during the first semester. Also, incorporating social media as much as possible to blast the campus about our event.