Chapter Spotlight – Zeta Delta (Iowa State)

This week’s Chapter Spotlight is Zeta Delta (Iowa State), whose first spring semester philanthropy event raised an incredible $3,200, with more than 600 people in attendance. Emmy Cuvelier, Director of Philanthropy, shares how she inspired the high attendance throughout her campus to warrant such great donations.
Event Name: PizzΑ ParlΦr
Location: Alpha Phi House
How many times have you held this event?
We are a newly initiated chapter, so this is the first year we have held this event!
Tell us a bit about the event.
We served pizza and drinks for $5 a person to benefit the Foundation. There was a very fun atmosphere for everyone, and we made sure to educate on our cause while everyone ate and mingled with one another. We bought our pizza and drinks from Little Caesar’s Pizza, who were extremely generous to our cause. They donated supplies like plates, napkins and other utensils that would’ve added up in price.
How did you publicize your event?
Food is a major draw for many college students at Greek events, so that aspect worked to our advantage right away. We utilized social media as our main form of marketing, and we also had flyers printed and chalked the sidewalks on campus. Each sister was responsible for selling tickets, which also helped in spreading the word about our event.
How do you envision improving this event in the future?
I would like to expand our marketing more to ensure an even larger turnout then we had this year. We also could have better estimated the amount of food we needed. Though the overall atmosphere of the event was very fun, implementing a raffle or auction to create a more entertaining environment and raise additional funds would add to the event.
What tips would you offer other chapters looking to host an event like this?
My biggest tip would be to build committees of hard workers who are ready and willing to get the job done! Plan far in advance, because the small details sneak up on you and can get overwhelming. If you are looking to host a similar event, make sure to spend a decent amount of time and energy into determining how much food and drinks are needed.