Highlights from the 2018 South Leadership Conference

40 Alpha Phi chapters traveled to Dallas, TX from February 3-5, 2018 for the South Quadrant Leadership Conference. To all those who were in attendance, a heartfelt thank you for such an amazing weekend! With National Wear Red Day and all of the South Quadrant energy, it was a great way to kick off the Leadership Conference season!
Here are a few highlights from the South Quadrant Leadership Conference:
Valentine’s Card Fundraiser was a Huge Success!
Over the weekend, we raised $2,700 from our Valentine’s Card Fundraiser! Thank you to everyone who donated to Alpha Phi Foundation and sent Valentine’s cards to your dearest Alpha Phis. For every $10 donation, your chapter was entered to win an exciting giveaway, and you were able to send heartfelt APhi love to another sister. Alpha Phi Foundation will be sending your Valentine’s cards to your chapter shortly so that you can hand them out to your sisters who weren’t at Conference.
SOUTH GIVEAWAY WINNER: Congratulations to Kappa Alpha—UNC Chapel Hill on winning the branded event backdrop!
Collegians, Welcome to Clara’s Circle!
A number of collegiate women made an individual gift at Leadership Conference and joined Clara’s Circle! Thank you for realizing the power of your philanthropy. We hope you’re excited to return to campus with your new Clara’s Circle bracelets!
Planning & Managing Philanthropy Events.
Our staff was thrilled to connect with new chapter officers and volunteers at the Planning & Managing Philanthropy Events session, Philanthropy Events sessions and the Sunday morning Foundation Q&A sessions! We covered everything from event budgeting and tax receipts to Alpha Phifa referees and marketing new philanthropy events.
Still have questions? Contact the Manager of Chapter Giving & Communications and visit our Event Resources.
Celebrating Creative #GivingTuesday Engagement!
In each quadrant, Alpha Phi Foundation is recognizing a chapter whose engagement efforts from this past #GivingTuesday were powerful and creative. In the South Quadrant, we were pleased to recognize the exceptional engagement and enthusiasm we saw from Delta Delta—Oklahoma City University! Thank you for paying it forward with Alpha Phi Foundation last November! #APhiGivesForward
State of the Foundation Luncheon and Awards.
Alpha Phi Foundation hosts Saturday’s luncheon to share the great impact of the Foundation programs and recognize our chapters’ greatest philanthropic hits. Thank you to all chapters for your philanthropic spirit, and congratulations to the Excellence in Philanthropy Award winners:
Gamma Phi—Florida State University
2016-2017 Chapter Giving: $48,359
Delta Tau—Louisiana State University
2016-2017 Chapter Giving: $44,694
Omicron—University of Missouri
2016-2017 Chapter Giving: $43,885
Gamma Iota—Texas Tech
with their Taste of Texas Food Truck Festival
Kappa Alpha—UNC Chapel Hill
Iota Rho—Clemson University
Kappa Alpha—UNC Chapel Hill
Thank you, South Quadrant, for a rockin’ Conference. We look forward to fundraising, learning and celebrating with the North Quadrant chapters in Chicago, IL next weekend, February 9-11, 2018.