Investing in a Culture of Care with the Beta Omega Chapter

At North/West Leadership Conference, Alpha Phi Foundation announced the recipient of the 2019 Susan Brink Sherratt Leadership Fund: Beta Omega—Kent State!
The 2019 grant will fund a transformative leadership program for the entire Beta Omega chapter. With this $2,500 grant, the chapter will bring in a program called the Culture of Care Institute, an experience-based program designed to help chapter members understand the complexity of care through the examination of topics like identity, restorative justice, accountability, ritual and compassion. Chapter members will also be given the tools to apply what they have learned through this program to better analyze and address personal, organizational, and systemic challenges in their chapter and campus community. The leaders of the Beta Omega chapter hope that this experience will contribute to the character-building that is fostered by membership in Alpha Phi and help their members to better live out their personal and Alpha Phi values.
The Susan Brink Sherratt Leadership Fund was established in 2004 by Renee Zainer to honor Susan Brink Sherratt (Beta Beta—Michigan State) and her admirable leadership, support, and service to Alpha Phi Foundation. Through the generous support of Susan and her family, this fund continues to provide an annual grant to an established collegiate chapter for leadership training, team building activities and sisterhood events that help further the well-being of the chapter. Applications are accepted in the fall, and the recipient is announced at the following Leadership Conferences.
The 2019 grant marks 12 chapters awarded through the Susan Brink Sherratt Leadership Fund.