Leave Your Legacy Through Planned Giving With Alpha Phi Foundation

Charitable giving is becoming an increasingly popular means toward achieving a sense of fiscal health and giving back to the Alpha Phi Foundation is an excellent way to achieve this goal.
August is “National Make-A-Will Month” and there’s no better time than the present to take control of your future. Explore the financial benefits, both in the present and long after you’ve joined the Silent Chapter, of including Alpha Phi Foundation in your estate plans.
In the Foundation Q&A featured below, we offer a unique perspective on how financial planning affects women and the opportunities presented by Alpha Phi Foundation to empower yourself while also supporting our mission of advancing women’s lives through the power of philanthropy.
“Aside from the intrinsic value of charitable giving, making contributions to the Alpha Phi Foundation ensures that the legacy set forth by our Founders 150 years ago will continue to pave the way for women around the world for another 150 years.”
For more information, please visit our Planned Giving site or contact our Development Team at giving@alphaphifoundation.org.