From Alpha Phi to NPC: Diane Spry Straker’s Journey to Empower Sorority Women

by Katie Gates in Focus on Philanthropy, Impact, Press Release

A strong and empowered leader does not merely demonstrate leadership by example, but paves the way for those who follow, providing the foundation and opportunities above and beyond for others to succeed. Diane Spry Straker is that leader. Diane Spry Straker is that Alpha Phi.

Every organization – every generation – has a trailblazer, a mover and shaker, a figure that embodies a spirit of greatness and inspires others to act. Diane Spry Straker (Delta Alpha – East Carolina) has long been that figure for Alpha Phi and Alpha Phi Foundation, and most recently, for the entire National Panhellenic Council community.

Diane, a self-made woman, intimately understands the impact philanthropy can have on individuals and a community. Having worked from a young age, and often the only woman at the table through much of her career, she has a respect for hard work and personally supporting the causes near and dear to her heart.

Diane’s commitment to Alpha Phi began just like many of ours, when she joined the Delta Alpha Chapter at East Carolina University. She has since been an asset and advocate for Alpha Phi and brought her financial and business acumen to many volunteer roles. Diane has proudly served on both the Fraternity and Foundation Boards, as Foundation Chair, and a member of the Leading With Heart Campaign Steering Committee.

Just as Diane has worked tirelessly to provide life-changing opportunities for Alpha Phi women through the Foundation and the 2016 establishment of the Clara Bradley Burdette Founders’ Scholarship, she has now carried that spirit of philanthropy to our sister NPC organizations. Clara Bradley Burdette’s primary objective in life was developing better opportunities for women and that’s just what Diane continues to do for all collegiate women. In 2022, Diane volunteered to further share her time, talent, and treasure as a leader and philanthropist serving as President of the National Panhellenic Council Foundation, the first Alpha Phi to hold that position.

After Diane’s term as Chair ended, we sat down with her in Palm Springs during Alpha Phi’s 74th biennial Convention to reflect on her experience and the power of giving back beyond the Alpha Phi sisterhood.

“Working with women in other organizations for a common purpose is another dimension to the sorority experience. Our goal is to provide opportunities for all women to have the sorority experience, provide a positive sorority experience, and ensure that becomes a lifetime experience.”

Diane echoed the sentiments and values she has long-shared with Alpha Phi in her NPC role. “NPC and its member organizations continue to advocate for ways to make the cost of a higher education more affordable to more women. Through the NPC Foundation’s annual scholarship program, we can make a direct impact on college affordability by offering scholarship awards to Panhellenic women who have demonstrated high academic achievement and contributed to the success of their Panhellenic communities.”

When asked about the lasting impact Diane’s leadership will have, NPC CEO Dani Weatherford stated “Diane Straker has served as a leader of the NPC Foundation during a time of critical transition. She is truly a champion of our Panhellenic sisterhood and her enthusiasm for supporting NPC’s priorities through the Foundation’s lens has been all-important. We are all grateful for her enduring service to NPC, the Foundation and the larger community.”

Providing women with a wide variety of leadership training and education opportunities throughout all stages of life is a cornerstone of the Alpha Phi experience and one we share with the NPC Foundation. Diane Spry Straker’s leadership ensured that that bond will be everlasting.

“Our legacy is not simply what we leave behind, but what we are able to help bring about in the future.”

Click here to make a gift to the NPC Foundation in honor of Diane.

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