Meet Our Chapter Champions!

We are less than two weeks away from Leadership Day of Giving 2023 and we are thrilled to introduce this year’s Chapter Champions! We are honored to have our sisters by our side to help promote the positive impact of the programming we support.
Emma Buytenhuys (Beta Mu – Alabama)
“Alpha Phi’s philanthropy means so much to me because of the people I know with heart conditions. Being able to know that my efforts of fundraising are able to go towards research for women’s heart health is absolutely incredible cause it helps be able to give back to so many women struggling. I encourage any girl within Alpha Phi to get involved with our philanthropy not only to give back and be able to do something good for other women but it helps create so many new connections and friendships within your chapter and others.“
Nora Carlson (Kappa Eta – University of Florida)
“Getting involved with the Alpha Phi Foundation has been the most rewarding part of my member experience. Getting to see the direct impact of the events we do has been beyond heartwarming and reaffirming of my current dream career to be a cardiologist. Bringing awareness to women’s heart health will always have a special place in my heart.”
Elizabeth Craig (Beta Mu – Alabama)
“First and foremost, being involved with our philanthropy allows my sisters and me to leave a positive impact on something bigger than just ourselves and beyond our chapter. I have personal ties to the Alpha Phi Foundation, as my grandmothers have heart-related issues. Knowing that my sisters and I continuously strive to contribute to helping women like my grandmothers shows our true values of generosity and innovation.”
Bella McLellan (Theta Eta – Western University)
“I encourage others to be involved because I’ve witnessed firsthand just how amazing an impact the Foundation has had on both members and alumnae. Attending the Leadership Institute has been a highlight of both my University and Alpha Phi career, and it sparked a passion and interest in our philanthropy that has carried me through these past few years. I encourage others to get involved because this passion has been like no other, and it is such a special thing to have the opportunity to support such a great organization in their efforts to advance women’s lives through this philanthropy.”
Clara Barnes (Beta Upsilon – Oregon State)
“Alpha Phi has helped me immensely to become a better leader because I am surrounded by people who inspire me. My role as VP of Health, Wellness, and Accountability has challenged me in so many ways and has shaped me into a person who is able to have difficult conversations. I LOVED the Alpha Phi Leadership conference in Dallas this year because I was able to meet so many sisters who share the same passion that I do.”
Samantha McGaughy (Delta Eta – Adrian College)
“I love Alpha Phi’s philanthropy, the Alpha Phi Foundation, because it sets a precedent that’s women’s healthcare is important! Advocating for comprehensive cardiac care and finding paths to make it happen is a cause so close to my heart and I’m proud to know I’m part of making that difference. Being involved in something so special truly makes Alpha Phi my home away from home, and I want as many people to experience that as possible!”
Thank you to each of our Chapter Champions for their passion and dedication to supporting Leadership Day of Giving 2023.
Join us for 24 hours of generosity on September 27th as we seek to empower Alpha Phis now so they can make a difference as professionals, community leaders, and women of impact. When you #LeadWithAlphaPhi, you support Alpha Phi’s commitment to fostering a rewarding lifelong Alpha Phi experience for collegiate and alumnae members!
Are you interested in supporting Alpha Phi Leadership programming? Consider making a gift today!