Chapter Spotlight – Epsilon Alpha (Ashland)

by Alpha Phi Foundation in Focus on Philanthropy
Epsilon Alpha-Ashland Red Dress Gala

This week’s Chapter Spotlight is Epsilon Alpha (Ashland) who welcomed over 200 guests at their 2014 Red Dress Gala. New this year – they added a blood pressure booth to promote heart health awareness! Vice President of Marketing Stephany Elgin shares the details.

Event Name: Red Dress Gala
Location: John C. Meyers Convocation Center at Ashland University

How many times have you held this event?

Who attended the event?
Our entire chapter along with alumnae and the families of active members.

How long did it take to plan the event?
3 months

Briefly describe the event.
We held our Red Dress Gala in our event center on campus. The event featured door prizes, a full dinner, a large silent auction, a 50/50 raffle, a photo booth and new this year was a blood pressure booth.

What was your favorite part of the event?
At the suggestion of one of our nursing major sisters, we had a blood pressure booth at the event. This was stationed by some of our senior and junior level nursing major members. They took attendees blood pressure and gave them information about what the reading meant.

How did your chapter publicize the event?
We used social media, banners on campus and mailed invitations to a targeted group of people we wanted to attend. We also gave invitations to faculty and staff on campus, and encouraged sisters to invite any professors they wanted to.

How did you identify who to mail invitations to?
We asked sisters to submit names and addresses for anyone they wished to invite. This worked out well because even if someone was unable to attend they would often make a donation because they felt a connection to Alpha Phi. Additionally, our Alumnae Relations Chair identified recent alumnae and those who are actively involved with our chapter to mail invitations to. We then posted an online invitation for all of our alumnae so anyone who wished to could attend.

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