Meet the Heart to Heart Advisory Council

Comprised of dedicated volunteers who provide valuable input and expertise, the Heart to Heart Advisory Council supports the Heart to Heart Grant and our steadfast commitment to advancing women’s heart health.
Meet the 2020-2022 Heart to Heart Advisory Council members and learn why they choose to give back to Alpha Phi! Thank you, sisters, for sharing your time and talents to advance women’s lives through the power of philanthropy.

Dr. Caroline Ball, MD, FACC (Beta Mu-Alabama)
Cardiologist and Assistant Professor of Cardiology at Loyola University Medical Center and Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital
“Alpha Phi helped me discover my passion for studying and treating heart disease in women! I am proud to support Alpha Phi’s mission to advance women’s heart health.”

Dr. Christine Chan, MD, CCFP (Beta Theta-British Columbia)
Family Physician and Clinical Instructor, Department of Family Medicine at The University of British Columbia
“I cherish the memories and lifelong friendships I made during my collegiate years and I appreciate the mentorship & opportunities I found in Alpha Phi, which have tremendously helped me. Now it’s my turn to give back!”

Angie Maurer, RN, BSN, MBA (Epsilon Gamma-Sacramento State)
VP of Product at Faro Health Inc. and Former Cardiac Nurse
“As a former cardiac care nurse and now VP of Product for a clinical research software company, I want to give back by sharing my knowledge and expertise. I enjoy teaching and mentoring young women to become the best that they can be.”

Dr. Venice Ng Williams, Ph.D., MPH (Beta Theta-British Columbia)
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Prevention Health Services Researcher at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
“Through Alpha Phi, I saw a purpose greater than myself. It is my motivation for doing good in the world by researching and implementing ways to improve maternal and child health among the families experiencing the greatest adversities.”

Shana Smith (Chi-Montana)
Alpha Phi Foundation Board Director and Director of Strategic Partnerships at Upper Crust Food Service
“There were women before me that paved the way for the opportunities that I had in college and in my volunteer world with Alpha Phi. It’s now my responsibility to give back to the organization & support the goals of Alpha Phi Foundation.”
Colleen Sirhal, RN, BSN, CCPHIMS (Theta-Michigan)
Heart to Heart Advisory Council Chair
Chief Clinical Officer & Customer Success Leader at Hyland Software, and Former Cardiac Nurse
Dr. Jennifer Freeman, MD, FACS (Omega-Texas)
Meagan Spellman (Alpha Lambda-Alumnae Initiate)
Assistant Director, Major & Principals Gifts at Shedd Aquarium
Mary Beth Tully (Epsilon Psi-Lehigh)
Alpha Phi Foundation Board Chair
Former Hospital and Health Policy Executive
Women’s Heart Health Program
Through donors’ generosity, Alpha Phi Foundation granted over $1.4M to heart health-focused projects and organizations through the Heart to Heart Grant. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in North America. For 28 years, the Heart to Heart Grant has invested in female-focused cardiovascular research and educational initiatives through its annual Heart to Heart Grant. Learn more about the Women’s Heart Health Program.