Remembering Alpha Phi with Jennifer Crawford

Jennifer Crawford (Delta Eta—Adrian) remembers all the ways Alpha Phi has supported her, and today she feels called to pay it forward and give back.
Jennifer Crawford has always been supportive of and supported by her sisters. Even on her Bid Day, her Alpha Phi sisters went above and beyond to show up for her. “I received my bid when I was on the volleyball court! I was playing in a game at the same time as Bid Day, and I remember my new sisters came to the game and sat on the sideline with my new Bid Day T-shirt!”
It’s that kind of connection and regard that Jennifer came to see in her chapter.
Alpha Phi is also where Jennifer came to find opportunities that allowed her to grow and mature into a businesswoman and dedicated professional. Like so many, Jennifer learned much as an officer in her chapter.
“The opportunity to hold an office on the Exec Board was an incredible learning experience where I gained valuable leadership skills.” In the years since, Jennifer has put those leadership skills to work.
“If my giving can impact and make a difference in one woman’s life, then my gift has served its purpose!”
Of course, she learned how to do so from the strong women around her. “I grew up watching my mother, Janet Brinker Schaeffer (Beta Omicron—Bowling Green), commit her time, energy and dedication to Alpha Phi. Even today, she continues to assist at the collegiate and international levels! She has been my biggest influencer in how to give back to the sorority and how to make Alpha Phi a lifelong experience. After receiving a Foundation scholarship, plus all of the positive experiences I had as a collegian, I feel called to give back.”
Jennifer’s made giving back an easy priority in her life. “In past years, I have given to the Foundation on a regular basis. Setting up a monthly deduction is the easiest way for me to do this! But, I wanted to do more, and a planned gift was my next step. My husband and I recently created a living trust and I’m proud to name Alpha Phi Foundation as a recipient.”
Jennifer’s planned gift will make a difference—and that’s made it the right thing for her. “If my giving can impact and make a difference in one woman’s life, then my gift has served its purpose!”
Learn More Today!
Like Jennifer, you can make a difference for Alpha Phi that’s easy and impactful by naming Alpha Phi Foundation a beneficiary of your living trust or IRA.