Seven Ways to Get Your Heart Pumping

Whether your dancing or lifting your way to a stronger heart, incorporating 30‑minutes of aerobic activity into your daily routine is an important way to keep your heart healthy! Explore seven ways to get your heart pumping during Heart Month.

Beginners HIIT
High-Intensity Interval Workouts (HIIT) have been shown to improve heart health in people with good health and with cardiovascular conditions.
Click here to try your first, fifth, or fiftieth HIIT workout with a personal trainer and Under Armor Athlete Saman Munir.

Fitness boxing is a great aerobic exercise and full‑body workout that helps the heart pump oxygen‑rich blood to all parts of the body.

Cardio WERKout
Spice up your classic cardio workout with your favorite music and moves!
Try this HIIT‑inspired cardio WERKout from fitness coach, wellness expert, and surfer Kanoa Greene.

Circuit Training
“Time‑based circuit training is the perfect way to get your heart rate up and get your workout in for the day,” shares Gamma Chapter alumna Keely McGrath (@burn_brew).
Keely hosts live Zoom workouts and posts free circuits on Instagram!

Regular cycling (indoor or outdoor) stimulates and improves your heart, lungs, and circulation! It also strengthens your cardiac muscles and lowers your resting pulse.

Strength Training
Give your heart a lift through strength training! By increasing your lean muscle mass, strength training gives your cardiovascular system places to send blood throughout your body, thereby taking pressure off of your arteries and reducing your risk for heart attack or stroke.
Follow this 30-minute strength training class with personal trainer and nutrition coach Simone V. Williams.

In addition to decreasing stress, yoga helps lower your blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood glucose levels, and heart rate!
Beta Beta Chapter alumna Melissa Wagasy is a certified RYT‑200 yoga instructor at Citizen Yoga, Nafas Fitness Yoga, and Beverly Hills Club. Check out her latest classes and practice your way to a healthier heart!
We recommend consulting your doctor before starting a new exercise program.
Have you been exploring new ways to get your heart pumping? Tag us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to share your latest workout with us.