Can an institution submit multiple applications?
Yes. A single institution may submit multiple applications for different projects.
Does the Heart to Heart funding mechanism support institutional overhead (indirect costs) or is the grant used just for direct costs only?
The Heart to Heart Grants seeks to cover all or a large portion of the direct costs of a project. Funds are not provided/available for indirect costs, general operating support, and/or capital costs (such as construction, acquisition, or renovation of facilities). Funds are available for equipment expenses which are integral to the project, justified in the budget narrative, and do not exceed 5% of the total amount requested. Personnel costs related to the project are considered direct costs of a project.
How do you define “equipment” given that it cannot exceed 5% of the budget?
We define “equipment” as larger capital purchases such as computers, copiers, software, etc. and would expect this category to not exceed 5% of the budget. Other expenses tied directly to the execution of your project are not considered “equipment” expenses.
Is the Letter of Support from an Alpha Phi nominator required?
No. An Alpha Phi nomination is not a requirement for submitting an application.
Is there a maximum duration for the performance period for the grant?
Alpha Phi Foundation is willing to review grants that span anywhere between 12 and 24 months.
Please define “dissemination plan.”
Alpha Phi Foundation defines dissemination plan as the creation of a solid plan for efficient knowledge circulation among professionals and the general public.
Since the budget is asked for in a narrative format, how much detail should we provide?
Alpha Phi Foundation is not looking for an exhaustive list of budget items, but rather a well-rounded picture of the major budget categories that are required for your project, which ideally add up to $100,000 for Clinical proposals and $25,000 for Community proposals.
What is an “official letter of transmittal” and what are the required elements that need to be included in such a letter?
An official letter of transmittal is an organizational endorsement of your project by the CEO or President of your organization basically affirming that he or she is aware of your proposal and that it does align with the goals and ideals of your organization.
Who are the Medical Readers who peer-review the applications in addition to your Board of Directors?
Alpha Phi Foundation’s Medical Readers are Alpha Phi alumnae with medical backgrounds spanning both research and clinical work. Our Medical Readers review and evaluate all applications. Their evaluations help us determine those top candidates who will then be asked to complete a phone interview with members of Alpha Phi Foundation’s Board and Staff. A thorough review of the top candidates’ applications, as well as notes from their phone interviews, are then reviewed by the Board of Directors for final determination of the grant recipient.
Who can sign the Letter of Transmittal?
The Letter of Transmittal can be signed by whoever has signing authority for the applicant. This can be an Executive Director, President, Office of Sponsored Research, or similar entity.